Unseen angels

Unseen angels


Foreword by Dre Joanne Liu

The COVID-19 pandemic shone a light on the exceptional dedi - cation of health-care workers in Quebec –“guardian angels,” in the words of Premier François Legault. But there were other, less visible “angels” whose role was also crucial in preventing and curbing the spread of this illness. These were the hundreds of community workers organized into patrols who knocked on the doors of the most vulnerable residents, listened to them, told them about public-health measures and made sure they had what they needed. They were community organizations that supported these patrols through action plans that were put in place during the crisis. And they were philanthropic foundations that launched and funded these action plans, paving the way for an unprecedented movement of people helping each other. By giving a voice to those working in the shadows, the author aims to pay them the highest of tributes – and in this way hopes that the expertise that emerged from engaging them in this endeavour is not forgotten.


Release date : April 13, 2023
152 pages
ISBN (paper) : 978-2-89825-197-9
ISBN (PDF) : 978-2-89825-198-6
ISBN (EPUB): 978-2-89825-199-3

Version papier


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Pratte, Andre

André Pratte was a journalist for nearly 40 years, including 14 as Chief Editorial Writer at La Presse. He was appointed Senator in 2016 and resigned from the Senate in 2019. Since then, Mr. Pratte has been working as a communications consultant. He continues to take part in the public debate through his writings in the media.

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